Change Link Color


Is there a way to change link color? I tried linkColor, which didn’t work. I have basically zero knowledge regarding css, so sorry for the stupid question. : )


My user.less looks like this for the work I’m doing today – it’s making the links red on hover and otherwise gray.

@base: #727DA8;
@fontFamily: Consolas;

@paperColor: #fcfcfa;
@textColor: darken(@base, 20%);

@cursorColor: red;
@cursorWidth: 2px;

@indicatedColor: red;

@foldColor: mix(@base, white, 50%);
@foldedLineColor: mix(@base, white, 50%);

.CodeMirror {
	.cm-syntax {
		color: mix(@base, white, 50%);
	} {
		color: mix(@base, white, 50%);
	.cm-list-bullet {
		color: mix(@base, white, 50%);

Hi complexpoint, thank you for the reply!

In your code, does the textColor line define link color (when not on hover)? I’m trying to give link a different color from general text, say, URLs in blue but other text in black.

In mine that’s just a red hover.

Have you tried:

@interfaceColor: blue;

More generally, Jamie Kowalski’s quite fully developed theme is a good source of examples:

Worked like a charm! Thank you so much!