FoldingText for Atom – 0.4.0


  • Added support for Atom’s standard Edit > Fold menu commands.
  • Selection is now included in Copy Path to Clipboard command.
  • Fixed syntax highlighting in the item path search field.
  • Fixed copy path to clipboard works when file isn’t yet saved.
  • Fixed remove data-tags attribute when last tag is removed.

Here are the Installation instructions for FoldingText for Atom.

I must admit I find modes difficult to like, I’m more emacs than vim. However, making the outline mode ‘sticky’ would really help me get used to the idea of a separate mode for outlining. As far as I can tell it keeps slipping back to text mode without much visual feedback. I know the highlight disappears, but that doesn’t seem enough to me.

Whilst in outline mode I would like to know how to drag items up and down, it seems intuitive to want to drag with the mouse but maybe just a couple of keyboard commands would be enough. Again I am only kicking the tyres so I could quite easily be missing something.

Hi and thanks for trying it out.

You can drag with the mouse by clicking on the triangle “handle” that’s to the left of each item. This works in either mode. You can also move items with the keyboard in either mode by: Control-Command-Arrow Keys.

“Don’t Mode Me In” - Larry Tesla. Do we need modes…?