FoldingText Save As MS Word .docx

Saving a FoldingText 2 Outline as a .docx MS Word file

This script is an Applescript wrapper for FoldingText 2 which calls:


  1. Install Pandoc from

  2. In, check the path of the pandoc command by entering the command:
    type -a pandoc

  3. In the Applescript, check the property pstrPandoc (near the top of the script), and edit its value, if necessary, to match the path returned by type -a pandoc e.g:

    property pstrPandoc : "/usr/local/bin/pandoc"

  4. Install MultiMarkdown from

  5. In, check the path of the pandoc command by entering the command:
    type -a multimarkdown

  6. In the Applescript check that the property pstrMMD (near the top of the script), and edit its value, if necessary, to match the path returned by type -a multimarkdown e.g:

    property pstrMMD : "/usr/local/bin/multimarkdown"

You can then run the script from something like KeyBoard Maestro or FastScripts

  • Hash headers level 1 to N in your FoldingText document will become MS Word outline Heading Levels 1 to N

  • Indented list items will be correspondingly indented

  • The document can be further styled by changing the MS Word theme.

Alternatively, to export from FoldingText to MS Word in a way that directly applies CSS stylesheet formatting, and also offers formatted PDF exports, try Brett Terpstra’s excellent