Gather @followup tasks across muliple TaskPaper documents (advanced script help)

I have not received your email address yet. Using a perl script or bbfind is not really anything to do with FoldingText but this command is a simple example using bbfind from terminal (or bbedit worksheet) which will return all lines for each document with these tags excluding done.

bbfind -g '@(due|high|hold|idea|inprogress|monthly|todo|waiting)(?>(?!@done).)*$' "/Users/username/Documents" --gui

If you add --gui at end of the line then it will display in BBEdit window which makes ir clearer to see the results and to navigate each occurrence.

mylevelbest at gmail

Completed. Used Marks initial script and did much research to put it into an AppleScript, opens Terminal and runs the script then, closes Terminal, etc. Now I can at least scan all my taskpaper documents and put any “@” tags into a single text document. Then I review the tags and add results that are new to my NerdTool display of my focus list that is always on my desktop. The same Applescript opens the text file windows and places them on the screen in a certain order so, very happy with the result.

Thanks very much.