Hide completed items

There is probably a very easy way to do this, but looking through the app’s menus, I could not find it. Also did a search on the forums for “hide” and “hide complete”, but to no avail. Is there a way to hide items that have been checked as completed?

If you use the command to archive it, you can fold the Archive section and that effectively hides it. That is how I do it. The archive command is in the <cmd>-’ menu.

Thanks, @raguay. That’ll have to do. Wish there was a command that would just hide completed tasks though.

To hide and unhide completed items:

  1. Hide by setting the editor’s filter to //not @done
  2. Unhide by clicking the triangle in the top left hand corner

Various options for doing this:

  • You can toggle the editor between a //not @done and a show all view by running a script like this (from something like Keyboard Maestro or FastScripts):
-- ver 1.0.2 toggles visibility of @done without losing any existing focus

property pstrJS : "

	function(editor) {
		var strActivePath = editor.nodePath().nodePathString,
			strExceptDone = ' except //@done',  lngChars=strExceptDone.length,
			strToggledPath, lngStart;

		switch (strActivePath) {
			case '///*':
				strToggledPath = '//not @done';
			case '//not @done':
				strToggledPath = '///*';
			default :
				lngStart = strActivePath.length-lngChars;
				if (strActivePath.indexOf(' except //@done', lngStart) == -1)
					strToggledPath = strActivePath + strExceptDone;
					strToggledPath = strActivePath.substring(0, lngStart);


tell application "FoldingText"
	set lstDocs to documents
	if lstDocs ≠ {} then
		tell item 1 of lstDocs to (evaluate script pstrJS)
	end if
end tell

  • You can use Jamie Kowalski’s plugin for live filtering, using //not @done and any other filtered view you want
  • or if you prefer, we can quickly sketch you a plugin version of the script above :- )

If you use File > Open Application Folder

(to open the ~/Library/Application Support/FoldingText/Plug-Ins folder from the FoldingText main menu),

you can then extract the toggle hide done items.ftplugin folder from the repository zip at https://github.com/RobTrew/txtquery-tools/archive/master.zip

(for the https://github.com/RobTrew/txtquery-tools repository)

and copy that .ftplugin folder and its contents into ~/Library/Application Support/FoldingText/Plug-Ins/


  • close and reopen FoldingText
  • check that toggle hide done items now appears in FoldingText > Plug-In Manager (⌘,)
  • and either try:
    • Edit > Run Command > toggle hide done items or
    • ⌘⌥^H

(That keyboard assignment can be adjusted by editing the main.js file inside the toggle hide done items.ftplugin folder)

Light edit → ver 1.0.2 (plugin and applescript above) to allow for preservation of any existing focus while toggling visibility of @done items.

Thanks. I just added this to my Alfred workflow. So, you can launch it from there as well. Nice. I need to get better versed at using the filters like that.


Hi Richard, I only glanced briefly, so I’ve probably missed the attributions and the copies of the license, but just in case, I could I ask you to check that all copies of material from my Github repositories and from here include the notices and permission notices displayed at the front of the repositories ?

( Material posted here is shared under the same MIT-modelled license )

Many thanks !


I added the notice to the Readme in the Workflow.

OK, I’ve found the ReadMe panel for the workflow (took me a moment : -) - I notice a couple of things, I wonder if I could ask you to attend to them ?

The text in the readme panel does say, towards the end, ‘some of scripts were taken from the following library: txtquery-tools’, but:

  • The particular scripts are not identified (they are interspersed with scripts from other sources)
  • none of them contains a copy of the license (the license itself does require this)
  • and a full address for the repository doesn’t seem to be given.

(Your readme panel gives https://github.com/R...txtquery-tools/ in relation to the bookmark handler, but an ellipsis replaces some of the address text, so the link can’t be used or followed).

Could I ask you to:

  • give a usable link back to the repository,
  • ensure that provenance of each script is identified, so that users know which scripts are copied from my repository, and
  • make sure that the copyright notice and the permission notice are included in copies of all the scripts (this is actually a requirement of the license itself)

Forgive me if this seems onerous – I hope it’s a little less onerous than actually writing the scripts :- )

Many thanks for tidying this up !


Thanks for all the info @complexpoint. Appreciate it. I think this will give me what I am after.

I think I have it all done now. I don’t think it gets used much anyway. I never get any feedback on all the workflows I make, but at least I use them a lot! I am a tool fanatic!

Thanks for doing that Richard.

(Protects us both from further copying and redistribution, from your site to others, without attribution, or with inadvertent misattribution. Also helps me, inter alia, to collect bug reports and support requests).

All best, Rob