Script: selecting the whole current text block

To extend selection from the cursor position to the whole current paragraph or text block (delimited by next and most recent empty lines).

In Yosemite Javascript, or in Applescript:

10.10 JXA:

function run() {

	function fnFT(editor, opt) {

		function selectBlock(editor) {
			// select back to previous gap (or start of doc)
			// and forward to next gap (or end of doc)
			var rngSeln = editor.selectedRange(),
				tree = editor.tree(),
				// Most recent empty node, if any ?
				lstBefore = tree.evaluateNodePath(
					'//@id=' + + '/preceding::(@type=empty)[-1]'
				// Next empty node, if any ?
				lstAfter = tree.evaluateNodePath(
					'//@id=' + + '/following::(@type=empty)[0]'

				// From just after any previous node
				lngFrom = lstBefore.length ?
					lstBefore[0].lineTextStart() + 1 :
					0, // or from the start of the text
				// to just before any following node.
				lngTo = lstAfter.length ?
					lstAfter[0].lineTextStart() - 1 :
					tree.textLength(); // or to the end of the text

			// Select from a certain point, to a certain number of characters beyond
				tree.createRangeFromLocation(lngFrom, lngTo - lngFrom)

			return true;

		return selectBlock(editor);

	var docsFT = Application("FoldingText").documents(),
		varResult = docsFT.length && docsFT[0].evaluate({
			script: fnFT.toString(),
			withOptions: {}

	return varResult;

or Applescript:

property pstrJS : "

	function fnFT(editor, opt) {

		function selectBlock(editor) {
			// select back to previous gap (or start of doc)
			// and forward to next gap (or end of doc)
			var rngSeln = editor.selectedRange(),
				tree = editor.tree(),
				// Most recent empty node, if any ?
				lstBefore = tree.evaluateNodePath(
					'//@id=' + + '/preceding::(@type=empty)[-1]'
				// Next empty node, if any ?
				lstAfter = tree.evaluateNodePath(
					'//@id=' + + '/following::(@type=empty)[0]'

				// From just after any previous node
				lngFrom = lstBefore.length ?
					lstBefore[0].lineTextStart() + 1 :
					0, // or from the start of the text
				// to just before any following node.
				lngTo = lstAfter.length ?
					lstAfter[0].lineTextStart() - 1 :
					tree.textLength(); // or to the end of the text

			// Select from a certain point, to a certain number of characters beyond
				tree.createRangeFromLocation(lngFrom, lngTo - lngFrom)

			return true;

		return selectBlock(editor);

on run
	tell application "FoldingText"
		set lstDocs to documents
		if lstDocs ≠ {} then
			tell item 1 of lstDocs to set varResult to (evaluate script pstrJS)
		end if
		return varResult
	end tell
end run