FoldingText 2.1 Dev (741)

Sorry that expiration notice is just because it’s an old beta… (but no replacement yet). But it should be case that you can just click through that notice and continue to use it.

How about 2.1? Is it be released with Yosemite?


Big +1. This is quite problematic for basic writing.

Last July seems like a long time for a beta version. How about an update?

Where can I download 2.1 Dev 741?

I don’t get it. Where is everybody? How about an update from the developer? Anything?

Is this project still alive???

Forums have been quiet, yes, but Jesse’s working on the next version, which sounds like a major revision:

I think a lot of people are holding their breath until it drops…

Can you please release a version (of Version 2.1 Dev (741)) that fixes the “expired”-popup-message?
It´s really, really annoying and i´ve been waiting for a fix for a long time.

Bumping this question as it was perhaps overlooked, as I would like to see the popup message issue fixed as well. Also expanding the question a little further, any reason why the Version 2.1 hasn’t been released to the app store?

For those who might not have noticed, there’s a new beta out. You can check it out here. Let us know what you think! :smile: