FoldingText for Atom links in DevonThink

I find this very useful:

  1. Copy a link to a particular paragraph in FT3 (Atom > Edit > Copy Path), and
  2. add it to a DevonThink database as a bookmark (Data > New > Bookmark)

DevonThink shows a preview, and clicking on the live URL at the top of the preview takes you straight to the FT3 file.

( Writing an ft3doc:// handler would enable selecting the target paragraph )

PS Two kinds of FT3 links prove useful (in different ways) in DevonThink:

  • The file:// links copied directly by Atom > Edit > Copy as Path yield a preview in DevonThink, and link back to the document, but not the specific line

  • ft3doc:// links (see other post) don’t yield previews in DevonThink, but do link back to particular lines.

(To follow these links in DevonThink, click on the blue url at the top of the view panel, rather than on the item itself. Clicking the item opens a local DevonThink viewing window rather than an Atom editing window)